Friday, May 22, 2009

Commtech Post May 22

This week in commtech we finished our flash animations and started our Grade 8 video. I started my storyboard and got down my idea of what I want to have in my video. the video has to be about the exciting things that happen at Korah and it also has to show how hectic it is. On Monday I will go into the halls, the cafeteria, and the gymnasium to show the hecticness of the school. On tuesday I will go out and fim the outdoor ed class to show the fun things to do. I will also include clips of things such as the dunk tank, tug a rope etc. I will also be taking pictures from Halloween, Christmas, and any other dances or proms that are theme orientated. After the video it is done I'm confident it will be a good one.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 15, 2009

Last week in commtech we started to work on our flash videos. We had to do the practices out of the book and then we had to make our own video showing our skills in flash. I made a video of a guy kicking a soccer ball into the distance and hitting it off the post and then going in the net. I don't know how good it is but it was the first video I've made in over a year and I think it turned out alright. We also did our flash test and we had to open a video of Dom doing a numa numa dance and we had to add text to it and make it move and we had to show shape and motion tweening in our video as well. Below are the two videos. Left is soccer and right is numa numa