Thursday, November 22, 2007


This week in yearbook all we did was fix up our pages and edit them. I started a whole new page from scratch. I'm not completely done it but it's definitely a work in progess.


This week in commtech we did a lot of cool things, we got to create posters and put ourselves in it. We also had to make a bullying poster. I don't think my poster was good enough though. This picture I posted is my face in an Iron Maiden poster.

Yearbook Post

This week in yearbook we worked on our pages except for this one photo we had to create. I call it a multi box photo, all it is is lines seperating the photo to make it look more detailed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Commtech Post

This week I got caught up on a lot of assignments I had late, I had to do my photographers report, my collage, my great grandmopther picture, and my layout and design questions. We also had to create an animal out of other animals. This is mine.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Yearbook Page

This is the page I've been working on this week. It's not finished yet but I'll have it done in a couple of days.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Commtech Post

This week in commtech I didn't learn much, all the stuff we did with flash and dreamweaver I already knew how to do. This was a pretty easy week for me, and wasn't hard whatsoever. I made 2 super cool sites using html. One of them is based on the tv show, Futurama, and one is based on Korah. The site based on Korah has a link to Korah's official website too.