Friday, December 7, 2007

Commtech Post

This week in commtech we made business cards and logos. We had to make one personal logo and one in the theme of Korah Collegiate And V.S. The One I'm Posting is the personal logo that I have made.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


This week in yearbook all we did was fix up our pages and edit them. I started a whole new page from scratch. I'm not completely done it but it's definitely a work in progess.


This week in commtech we did a lot of cool things, we got to create posters and put ourselves in it. We also had to make a bullying poster. I don't think my poster was good enough though. This picture I posted is my face in an Iron Maiden poster.

Yearbook Post

This week in yearbook we worked on our pages except for this one photo we had to create. I call it a multi box photo, all it is is lines seperating the photo to make it look more detailed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Commtech Post

This week I got caught up on a lot of assignments I had late, I had to do my photographers report, my collage, my great grandmopther picture, and my layout and design questions. We also had to create an animal out of other animals. This is mine.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Yearbook Page

This is the page I've been working on this week. It's not finished yet but I'll have it done in a couple of days.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Commtech Post

This week in commtech I didn't learn much, all the stuff we did with flash and dreamweaver I already knew how to do. This was a pretty easy week for me, and wasn't hard whatsoever. I made 2 super cool sites using html. One of them is based on the tv show, Futurama, and one is based on Korah. The site based on Korah has a link to Korah's official website too.

Friday, October 12, 2007


This week in yearbook I worked on 2 things in indesign. I made a junior football page, and I made a custom page that i designed on my own. It has a hobo on it, and it's REALLY cool. Other then that I didn't learn much this week.

Commtech Post

This week in commtech we worked on MORE photo assignments. For the first one we had to use spot colour and make an object stand out, by removing colour from the background. We had to do that for 2 pictures. For the second assignment we had to make a collage of at least 8 photos. I did mine of signs. I took about 20 different pictures of signs. For the third assignment we had to take 5 pictures of something and stitch them together to make a big photo of the whole thing. For the fourth assignment we just had to red information about "composing people pictures". For the fifth assignment we had to bring in an old photograph thats old and torn up, and we had to make it better so that it looks brand new.

Yearbook Post

This week in year book I learned a lot more about indesign. I learned how to put borders on text, and make them transparent. I learned how to make random lines and I learned how to put screens on a layout.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Commtech Post

This week in commtech I learned a lot about adobe photoshop elements, I learned how to resize photos to the right size, how to layer pictures, put pictures on top of text and vice versa. I also took A LOT of pictures this week, and used them in the 5 different assignments we had to do, in the first assignemnt we had to take 3 photos and use any filters to make them look cool. In the second assignemnt we had to take 3 photos and change the brightness/contrast/hue and levels to them. In the third assignment we had to take 2 photos and use the clone tool to take something out of each picture and put something back into each picture. in the fourth assignment we had to take 2 photos and select an object using the lasso tool. we them had to select inverse them so that just the background is selected. Then we had to blue the abckground to make the object stand out. The final assignment was the portrait assignment. We had to make a custom background fo whatever we wanted. we then had to copy a picture of ourselves into it, and then we had to copy another pciture into the picture but it had to make sense, and it had to flow with the picture. And then today we had to make a picture come into the text, with a colourful background behind it.

Yearbook Post

This week in yearbook I learned alot about indesign. I learned how to put text over pictures and vice versa. I also learned a lot about strokes, and how to put different corners on text. I learned how to put drop shadow on text and pcitures, and make it look really cool. We also had a quiz on key terms, like pixel, megapixel, and kilobyte. I also sold yearbooks for 3 or 4 days. I also played tribes a lot and got caught by Mr. Wrigley, that's why I have to sit at the front of the class:(

Friday, September 14, 2007

This week in comtmech I learned a lot of stuff about Adobe Photoshop Elements. I learned how to lasso, clone, shade, dodge, burn, and many other techniques. The photo to the right is a small sample of my knowledge in the program.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Intro to Communications Technology:

My objective for taking this course is to learn more about designing pictures, and changing them.This Semester I want to work on designing layouts, and possibly the cover for yearbook.Some skills I would want to obtain would be to do my work exceptionally well and not having to ask the teachers help. In my future career I want to get into graphic designing somehow, it's been an interest of mine for a long time now.